Professional Ethics
About the Course:
Professional ethics is a vast field of study, with categories and subcategories relating to every conceivable topic and issue. Many medical and health-related disciplines establish their own ethical codes and standards of conduct, which encapsulate the compiled wisdom of countless individuals and years of professional experience. Their study offers practitioners the opportunity to learn from their predecessors’ mistakes instead of their own.
- Discuss some of the ethical responsibilities of your profession.;
- Explain your duties and responsibilities to the families you serve.
- Explain the importance and need for confidentiality.
- List a number of funeral-related organizations that teach their own code of ethics.
- Describe your oversight responsibilities in dealing with third-party contractors or other service professionals.
- Describe changes in state laws regarding cremation after the Tri-State Scandal.
- Explain in what ways cremation services may leave you open to liability and how to address these issues.