Texas Vital Statistics - 2025 Update


Course Overview

This course is intended for Texas funeral service professionals seeking to renew their licenses. The course reviews Texas legislation, administrative code, and regulations pertaining to vital statistics, death records, cemeteries, cemetery organizations, lawn crypts, and disinterment permits. Relevant sections of the Texas Health and Safety Code and Texas Administrative Code are summarized with a focus on recent updates to the code. The course satisfies the two continuing education hours in vital statistics requirements and regulations mandated by the Texas Funeral Service Commission prior to license renewal.

Learning Outcomes 
Upon the completion of this course, the learner should be able to:

  • Outline the steps for filing for death certificates in the State of Texas. 
  • Recall the navigation of meeting/exceeding time limits for death certificate filing.
  • Recognize definitions of terms used in provisions of cemeteries.
  • Recall who can and cannot control the disposition of a decedent.
  • Identify the areas of the Administrative Code associated with the death care industry.

About the Author/Presenter 
Taylor Walding took inspiration from various death experiences in life in combination with the HBO series Six Feet Under to begin mortuary school in 2005. Just before graduating in 2011, Taylor took an internship at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in their department that performed anatomical embalming. After attaining dual Texas funeral director & embalmer licensure at Restland Funeral Home in Dallas late 2013, Taylor moved to California & returned, married to a fellow mortician, to Texas by 2018, where UTSW needed a full-time anatomical embalmer. Taylor worked there until just before the most recent pandemic, where family needed assistance & support and provided a rural farmstead for Taylor & his spouse to grow their own vegetation. Summer 2023, Taylor came back to Restland fully licensed as a night embalmer throughout 2024, healing & serving families in their darkest times of need. A non-binary person, they enjoy spending  time with their spouse and family, scything their farmland, feeding their chickens and playing music in a variety of performing artists between Texas and California. 

Audience/Accreditations and Approvals 
Colibri Healthcare 
This course is designed for Funeral Directors

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