Domestic Violence 101


About the Course
Interpersonal Violence (IPV) or Domestic Violence is a prevalent and oftentimes lethal, public health concern. Despite education and prevention training, the rates of IPV continue to rise. Having a clear understanding of abuser tactics will assist you in recognizing the sometimes-subtle dynamics common in IPV relationships. 

Learning Objectives
After completing this course, the learner will be able to do the following:

  • Define Interpersonal Violence (IPV)/Domestic Violence.
  • Recognize national statistics.
  • Identify the types of IPV/Domestic Violence.
  • Identify the dynamics often seen in these situations.
  • Identify the barriers and dangers of leaving dangerous situations.
About the Presenter
Allyson Cordoni, APN, CNP, SANE-A, SANE-P,  is a nurse practitioner who has over 20 years of experience providing care to adults and children who have experienced sexual/physical violence.  She has served as forensic nurse consultant, specializing in issues related to sexual assault adult and children), child abuse and neglect, strangulation, domestic violence and development of policies and procedures as well as educational trainings. She was a member of the US Military MEDCOM task force responsible for writing/implementing sexual assault policies for the US Army, authored a Shaken Baby bill for the State of Hawaii, presented at numerous International, national and local conferences, authoring several peer reviewed articles, participated in numerous MDT boards, and conducted trainings in the area of sexual assault, domestic violence and strangulation research.

Resolution of Conflict of Interest
Colibri Healthcare, LLC implemented mechanisms prior to the planning and implementation of the continuing education activity, to identify and resolve conflicts of interest for all individuals in a position to control content of the course activity.

Sponsorship/Commercial Support and Non-Endorsement.
It is the policy of Colibri Healthcare, LLC not to accept commercial support. Furthermore, commercial interests are prohibited from distributing or providing access to this activity to learners.

The information provided in this activity is for continuing education purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the independent medical judgment of a healthcare provider relative to diagnostic and treatment options of a specific patient’s medical condition.
©2022: All Rights Reserved. Materials may not be reproduced without the expressed written permission or consent of Colibri Healthcare, LLC. The materials presented in this course are meant to provide the consumer with general information on the topics covered. The information provided was prepared by professionals with practical knowledge of the areas covered. It is not meant to provide medical, legal, or professional advice. Colibri Healthcare, LLC recommends that you consult a medical, legal, or professional services expert licensed in your state. Colibri Healthcare, LLC has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that all content provided in this course is accurate and up to date at the time of printing but does not represent or warrant that it will apply to your situation nor circumstances and assumes no liability from reliance on these materials. Quotes are collected from customer feedback surveys. The models are intended to be representative and not actual customers.

Colibri Healthcare, LLC is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Course ID: 59282