Scapular Rehab Science and Skills: An Evidence-Based Approach - 2/3/2025


Course Overview

This evidence-based course expounds on the science behind scapular rehab as well as reviews analyzes kinematic, special assessments, and verified therapeutic exercises for scapular dysfunction. The wide scope of impairments that are interdependent with scapular dysfunctions are identified. Extensive evidence-based references support efficacy of the selected exercises, manual techniques, and taping that are structured for immediate clinical application.

Learning Outcomes 
Upon the completion of this course, the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify the scope and scientific descriptors of scapular dysfunction
  2. Select specific terminology and kinematic concepts for the scapula-thoracic joint
  3. Identify scapular assessments, reliability and clinical progression
  4. Identify interdependence of scapular dysfunctions with varied shoulder impairments and injury.
  5. Locate the spectrum of evidence-based scapular exercises and role of myo-fascial treatments
  6. Recognize the presentation and management for Grade Ill AC injury and supra-scapular neuritis.

About the Author/Presenter 

Mark Albert has 40 years of clinical experience in sports and orthopedic physical therapy settings. A graduate of the University of Minnesota, with B.S in Physical Therapy in 1975, Albert also holds a master’s degree in Education, Georgia State Univ. 1983. Mr. Albert previously served as Athletic Trainer and Rehab Director with Georgia Tech Athletic Association, in Atlanta, GA. In addition, Mr. Albert has served as Athletic Trainer for three universities, numerous high schools and the former professional soccer team (N.A.S.L.), the Atlanta Chiefs and the 1996 Olympic Games. With 31 years of experience in post-graduate education, Albert has presented over 400 courses and seminars on specialty areas of sports injury, management of shoulder and knee dysfunction and exercise rehabilitation. Mr. Albert was one of the first therapists recognized as Board Certified Specialists in Sports (SCS) in 1987. His textbook, entitled Eccentric Muscle Training In Sports and Orthopedics - 2nd Ed, is considered a classic reference source for clinical exercise and has been reprinted in Japanese and French. Mr. Albert currently resides in Atlanta GA and is the founder of STEP of Atlanta, Inc. and STAR Physical Therapy, LaQuinta CA.

Audience/Accreditations and Approvals 
Colibri Healthcare 
This course is designed for the following healthcare professions (select your profession for details):  
Occupational Therapy,  Physical Therapy

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