Family Education and Counseling in Neuro Rehab - 4/15/2025


Course Overview

The challenges experienced after acquired brain injury can often have a more significant emotional impact on families of survivors than on the survivors themselves. In order to guide families through the transition of injury, acute care, rehab, outpatient rehab, and return to home, it is important that healthcare providers counsel and educate families throughout all levels of these processes. There are unique considerations when providing information and guidance to these families.

This course provides information related to family education, including coping and grieving stages, discussion of change in family roles, and ambiguous loss. Feedback from actual families of persons with acquired brain injuries and case study examples is presented throughout the session. 

Learning Outcomes 
Upon the completion of this course, the learner should be able to:

  • Select at least 3 needs of families in neuro rehabilitation.
  • Recognize at least 3 stages of family coping and grieving post neurological injury.
  • Identify the roles of at least 5 rehab team members in the education and counseling process.
  • Recognize one characteristic of each family type and intervention, education approaches for each.
  • Identify family perspectives including 3 likes and 3 dislikes regarding education, interaction from staff in neuro rehabilitation.

About the Author/Presenter 

Charity Shelton, MS, CCC-SLP, CBIS received her Masters Degree in Speech Language Pathology from Southwest Missouri State University in 1997. She has been working with adults and teens with neurological disorders for over 20 years and evaluates, treats communication, cognitive, and swallowing disorders in these patients. Charity has published several research articles related to evaluation/treatment of cognition in adults with traumatic brain injury. She is a seasoned speaker who is invited to speak at seminars and conferences on her specialty topics, Charity is a Brain Injury Specialist through the Brain Injury Association of America. She has been very involved in advocacy at the local and state level for people with brain injuries and their families for many years. 

Audience/Accreditations and Approvals 
Colibri Healthcare 
This course is designed for the following healthcare professions (select your profession for details):  
Physical Therapy

If you require special accommodations, please contact Colibri Healthcare Support by clicking here: Contact Us