Kentucky Physical Therapy 28-Hour CE Package
Included Courses
Courses included in this package. Click on a course to learn more.
- Clinical Mentorship: Teaching and Learning Strategies in Clinical Practice 3Course release date: 4/6/2020
About the Course:
The purpose of this intermediate-level course is to provide foundational concepts of effective clinical teaching and learning, including teaching strategies and student assessment in the clinical education environment for physical therapists. To become an effective teacher in a complex and uncertain environment such as clinical practice, one needs to demonstrate essential teaching principles, adapt to the learning needs of the student to facilitate learning, and assess the learner’s (student or new professional) knowledge, skills, and abilities to determine readiness to enter clinical practice. Upon completion of this course, the participant will gain exposure to effective teaching tools to use in the clinical setting, strategies to facilitate the clinical reasoning process of the student, and assessment of student learning during the clinical experience. This course is recommended for clinical instructors in physical therapist or physical therapist assistant. - Conservative and Surgical Management of the Osteoarthritic Hand and Wrist, 3rd Edition 2Course release date: 1/23/2023
The course offers practitioners in-depth knowledge of several of the most common medical and evidence-based treatments for wrist and hand osteoarthritis and provides instruction for application of techniques in OT evaluation and intervention. - Differential Diagnosis for Headaches and Cervical Spine Pain 3
Course release date: 7/10/2023
About the Course:
When evaluating head and neck pain in physical therapy, we must recognize that many conditions share similar signs and symptoms. This course presents information to help the evaluating clinician determine when a client’s symptoms may be the result of systemic or viscerogenic causes and when referral to another healthcare provider is indicated. In addition, this course presents a framework for differentiating and assigning the appropriate diagnosis for neuromuscular and/or musculoskeletal conditions. - Examination and Management of the Client With Parkinson's Disease, Updated 4Course release date: 5/26/2021
About the Course:
This intermediate-level course is designed to provide physical therapists and physical therapist assistants with the information needed to appropriately examine and treat the client with Parkinson’s disease (PD), including differential diagnosis of individuals who exhibit signs and symptoms indicative of PD. In addition, the learner will be able to manage clients with PD by designing a comprehensive treatment program based on the use of appropriate outcome measures. Equipped with the most current evidence, the learner will be able to discuss and critically evaluate interventions directed at the specific body structure and function, activity, and participation deficits associated with PD. - Examination and Treatment of Peripheral Vestibular Disorders, Updated 5Course release date: 5/5/2021
About the Course:
The purpose of this course is to educate the practicing physical therapist on the management of patients with peripheral vestibular disorders in order to expand their current practice skill set into the subspecialty of vestibular rehabilitation. This will be accomplished through knowledge of functional anatomy of the vestibular system and current methods of evidence-based examination and the process of differential assessment to determine effective treatment of common peripheral vestibular disorders, or when referral is appropriate. - Frozen Shoulder Management and Manual Treatment Strategies 2Release Date: 7/10/23About the course
Shoulder dysfunctions causing painful stiffness are endemic issues, causing clinical challenges and conflicting treatment guidelines. Common terminology of frozen shoulder and adhesive capsulitis share significant and long duration impairments. This advanced course reviews pathophysiology of these conditions, the natural history associated with idiopathic frozen shoulder and essential assessment findings.
Based on updated scientific evidence, a review and compilation of available interventions of conservative, medical and invasive options is presented. The role of manual therapy methodology is featured. Due to variability in patient progress and manual therapy approaches, specific guidelines on type, timing, position and amplitude are investigated to standardize joint mobilization efforts. Finally, treatment program principles of patient education, suggested number of visits, daily clinical visit structure, management of plateaus and beneficial integration with medical/invasive procedures are discussed. The purpose of this course is to provide clinicians with an evidenced- based approach on treating frozen shoulder and associated conditions.
- Rehabilitation of the Older Adult 2Course release date: 10/5/2022
About the Course
The purpose of this course is to discuss physiological aspects of aging that may contribute to functional limitations, identify special considerations for older adults in rehabilitation settings, identify goals of geriatric rehabilitation, describe nursing interventions that promote restorative care, describe the roles of the interprofessional team members in rehabilitation for the older adult, and list the benefits of physical activity in the older adult. - The Essentials of Infection Prevention 4
Course release date: 7/10/2023
About the Course
The COVID-19 pandemic made all healthcare workers acutely aware of infection prevention and control measures. The pandemic has highlighted the need for ongoing education to maintain a knowledge and skill level appropriate for implementing strategies to prevent healthcare-associated infections and to prepare for the next pandemic. Understanding where reservoirs are harboring pathogens and strategies to prevent transmission in healthcare settings is critical. This course will examine best practices for infection prevention, such as hand hygiene, personal protective equipment, transmission-based precautions, cleaning and disinfection, and injection safety
- Therapeutic Exercise and the Older Adult: An Evidence-Based Approach, 3rd Edition 2Course Release date: 2/20/23
This intermediate-level course is designed to educate occupational and physical therapy practitioners on the implementation of exercise prescriptions in older adults. This course will review the multiple age-related systemic changes that take place in the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, interstitial and musculoskeletal systems and describe how exercise may mitigate these changes. This course will also provide recommended exercise programs according to the most recent American College of Sports Medicine guidelines for older adults and discuss common barriers for exercise participation in older adults. It will also describe how changes after an exercise intervention can be measured by providing several clinical measures that can routinely and easily be implemented in clinical practice. Finally, this course will discuss special concerns, such as the need for medical screening prior to establishing a new exercise program, and special considerations when recommending exercise for individuals with comorbid conditions common in older populations, such as osteoarthritis, chronic pain, diabetes, dementia, and obesity. At the end of this course, practitioners should be able to comfortably recommend, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive exercise program for older adults. - Therapeutic Yoga after Knee Replacement 1
Course release: 2/28/23
About the course
Knowledge of safe and effective evidence-based yoga poses for knee rehabilitation can assist physical therapists in prescribing therapeutic exercises after Total Knee Replacement.