Massage and Athletes: Enhancing Training, Participation and Recovery - 4/17/2025
Course Overview
Classic massage training typically includes little, if any, understanding of the physical and physiological challenges of sports activities. Therefore, many massage therapists lack full appreciation of the tools and value massage therapy can hold for enhancing sports training, participation, and recovery. This course expounds on the field of massage and athletes to include strength and conditioning, athletic training, and respected research related to the specific physiology of athletic pursuits. This course explores the demands unique to sports, and how the body responds to training and competition. A thorough didactic of the many techniques available to massage therapists in assisting athletes before, during, and after competition is provided.
Learning Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course, the learner should be able to:
- Identify techniques to maximize performance prior to, during and following an event.
- Recognize the difference between active & Passive flexibility.
- Identify static from dynamic flexibility.
- Select specific flexibility techniques to pre, mid, and post event.
- Identify the Specificity Principal.
- Recognize difference between competitive sports and wellness activities.
About the Author/Presenter
Jim began his health & wellness career as a Certified Personal Trainer in 1992 and was certified in massage therapy the following year. In his career he has worked with a spectrum of clients in community, athletic and rehabilitative settings. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, a Corrective Exercise Specialist, holds a Master’s Degree in Exercise Science and a Post Graduate Certificate in Rehabilitative Science. Early in his education career, Jim created the curriculum used by the largest personal training school in the country. Jim has been a college instructor for 9 years and has constructed programs in Exercise Science and Massage Therapy for Salem and Cumberland County Colleges. He is an adjunct faculty member of Health and Exercise Science at Rowan University and recently completed a series of lectures for health professionals in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Dallas and throughout Florida. Jim has presented at a numerous continuing education events for trainers, therapists, coaches and nurses since 2004.
Audience/Accreditations and Approvals
Colibri Healthcare
This course is designed for the following healthcare professions (select your profession for details):
Physical Therapy
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