Resilience Training and its Role in Helping Young Clients Overcome Adversity - 4/24/2025


Course Overview

This course provides a working definition of resilience and descriptions of the characteristics that may be associated with better outcomes for children who confront adversity in their lives. It also identifies particular groups of children – most notably those with developmental challenges and learning disabilities – who are most likely to benefit from resilience training. The bulk of the course – presented in two sections – offers a wide variety of resilience interventions that can be used in therapy, school, and home settings.  

Learning Outcomes 
Upon the completion of this course, the learner should be able to:

  • Select the various dimensions of resilience.
  • Identify seven core competencies that have been identified as necessary in building resilience.
  • Identify seven core competencies that have been identified as necessary in building resilience.
  • 4Locate the five steps of the Penn Prevention Program for social/problem solving skills.
  • Recognize ways therapists and parents can teach children self-efficacy skills.
  • Identify nine thinking traps that can reduce one’s ability to engage in flexible thinking and resilient behavior.
  • Locate the four central cognitive skills that are addressed in the Penn Prevention Program.

About the Author/Presenter 

Adina Soclof, a certified Speech Pathologist, received her master’s degree from Hunter College in New York in Communication Sciences. Adina worked as a Speech Pathologist in preschools for the developmentally disabled in the New York area before staying home full time with her family. 
Adina reentered the workforce as a Parent Educator for Bellefaire Jewish Children’s Bureau facilitating “How to Talk so Kids will Listen and Listen so Kids will Talk” workshops as well as workshops based on “Siblings Without Rivalry” and “Raising a Spirited Child”. She has been featured at numerous nonprofit organizations and private schools in Cleveland. Adina developed TEAM Communication Ventures and conducts parenting, teacher and clinician workshops via telephone nationwide 

Audience/Accreditations and Approvals 
Colibri Healthcare 
This course is designed for the following healthcare professions (select your profession for details):  
Physical Therapy

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