Airway Management and VirtuOx Introduce VirtuOx Professional Edition

Airway Management and VirtuOx introduced VirtuOx Professional Edition, a web-based patient management system for the providers of oral appliance therapy (OAT) at the 21st annual meeting of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine this weekend in Boston.

This comprehensive system covers oximeter screening, home sleep testing (HST), patient demographic and sleep record storage, as well as medical billing for OAT. It is accessible via the internet from any PC.

Unlike continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), OAT requires gradual titration in the home over three to four weeks. Oximeter screening allows for a pre-therapy patient baseline of oxygen saturation and a post-titration read for the protrusive management of the appliance. In addition, HST may be ordered through VirtuOx Professional Edition to establish a diagnosis and confirm the treatment position of the appliance.

All patient information (including demographics, physician notes, and oximeter and sleep test reports) s stored electronically in VirtuOx Professional Edition’s individual portals with administrative access controlled by the subscriber/provider.

A medical billing option will be available and include key services such as patient claim submission, follow-up to Medicare and commercial insurance, and in-network provider status applications.