Effective management of childhood asthma should extend beyond the doctor’s office into communities, homes and schools where children spend most of their time dealing with the disease, according to a collection of newly published studies. A key to successful implementation of childhood asthma management programs in “real-world” settings is a community-based care coordination approach that combines evidence-based science, asthma education and community engagement.
These findings from asthma management programs in Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, New York City and San Juan, Puerto Rico funded by the Merck Childhood Asthma Network, Inc. (MCAN) were published for the first time as a supplement to the November issue of Health Promotion Practice, a Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) journal.
While the demographics and program delivery settings varied dramatically across sites, one common thread throughout was the use of a community-based care coordination model. This approach contributed to overall improvements in health outcomes and reduction of disease burden, including lowered asthma related ER visits, hospitalizations and school absences.
The elements that led to the success of these community-based care coordination interventions and helped reduce the burden of asthma on children and their families are:
- Adaptation of Existing Evidence-based Interventions
- Use of Care Coordinators/Managers
- Building Community Partnerships
Click here to read the announcement of these findings.
Source: MCAN