Common Database for Spirometry and Hearing Conservation

If you test your employees with both a spirometer and an audiometer, does that mean that you must enter their data twice? Benson Medical Instruments has a better way.

The accuracy of demographic data has a large impact on the effectiveness of your occupational health program. Regulatory compliance hinges on correct age, gender, and height. And having duplicate subject records means that you may not be able to find or analyze results correctly. Nobody disputes that repetition doubles labor costs and increases the risk of errors.

Actually, Benson Medical Instruments does have a better way for occupational safety and health professionals. Because Benson Medical has designed the new CCS-200 Spirometer to integrate with the market-leading CCA-200mini Audiometer, companies will save training time because the instruments operate similarly, and administrative time because they share the same database. Saving time and improving accuracy by avoiding the repeated entry of identical test subject data is now the norm.

“Our customers can easily add their CCS-200 Spirometer database to their Benson Medical hearing conservation system,” stated David Mayou, sales manager for Benson Medical Instruments. “With a common database for both pulmonary function and hearing conservation, test subject data need only be entered once.” Both the audiometer and spirometer systems can also be purchased and operated separately.

Mobile testing providers and occupational health clinics face challenges in the volume of data that they handle. Combining hearing conservation and pulmonary function data into the same database so it can be handled with the same procedures streamlines their processes and increases their efficiency.

The CCS-200 Spirometer from Benson Medical Instruments meets or exceeds OSHA and SSA/DDS requirements for pulmonary function testing. Benson Medical has been a leading source of audiometers and software for hearing conservation compliance, integrating reliable equipment with efficient software and a powerful database. The culture of innovation that designed an industry-leading audiometer and software package has now produced a state-of-the-art spirometer, supported by powerful software delivering exceptional user convenience, flexibility, and economy.

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