‘One Minute Asthma’ Available in E-Book Format

Thomas F. Plaut, MD, has recently revised his book, One Minute Asthma, which has achieved total sales of over two million copies in English and Spanish versions. Most recently the author has converted his book to e-book format, which will be offered for Kindle on Amazon.com starting March 1. Apple ibookstore, Barnes and Noble (Nook), KOBO, SONY Reader Store and Booksonboard will also sell it.

Dr. Plaut is regarded as an expert in the field of asthma care and education. The American Academy of Pediatrics, the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, the National Association of School Nurses and authors of seventeen books have acknowledged his contributions to the field. He has presented at more than 200 conferences in the U.S. and abroad.

One Minute Asthma outsells all other asthma books combined, covering important items that are too often ignored by others. It presents a system for parents to judge the severity of a young child’s asthma attack. Parents who know how to judge how serious an attack is will be able to provide timely and appropriate care. One Minute Asthma offers a strategy for scoring the signs of asthma and a template for an action plan that parents can work out with their doctor.

The book also describes medicines that make asthma worse. Medicines used to treat arthritis, such as Motrin, Advil, Naprosyn, Daypro and Indocin cause asthma symptoms in 10 percent of adults with asthma. Beta-blockers, used to treat high blood pressure, angina or migraine headache also may make asthma symptoms worse. And glaucoma medicine, only a drop or two, can cause asthma symptoms.

One Minute Asthma
educates patients on how to choose a good asthma clinician, judge if their asthma control is good, avoid triggers that cause an asthma attack, use an inhaler and a nebulizer effectively and adjust treatment at home.