The ADVANCE Healthcare Shop regularly consults healthcare professionals like you to improve products and services. In fact, some of our best designs over the years have come from suggestions received from shoppers. This summer, we asked for your great ideas for slogans celebrating your profession. Check out the response below, and let us know: Would you wear a T-shirt bearing this slogan?
It Is My Business To Keep You Breathing!
– Roseann Casillas, Las Vegas, Nevada
Sleep, very interesting; awake…not so much!
– Brenda, Sleep Tech, Fayetteville GA
Protecting Your Right to Breathe
– Roseann Casillas, Las Vegas, Nevada
Sleep Tech – Mr. Sandmans got nothing on me!
– Jarrod Rowe, RPSGT, Athens Sleep and Wellness Center, Athens GA
Find more Sleep Technologist Appreciation Week fun on our celebration page.