Arizona Social Work CE Requirements 30-Hour Package
Included Courses
Courses included in this package. Click on a course to learn more.
- Cultural Humility for Behavioral Health Professionals 6
Course Release Date: 7/10/2023
About the Course
The purpose of this education program is to present an introduction to cultural humility and offers tools for psychologists and mental healthcare professionals to use when working with diverse patients in a culturally humble manner. - Ethics in Behavioral Health Documentation: Reasons, Risks, and Rewards 3Release Date: 7/10/23About the courseThis basic-level course will help practitioners approach documentation in a way that is guided not solely by what is mandated, but by what is mutually beneficial to all stakeholders in the documentation process: The practitioner, the agency, the funding source, and - most of all - the clients.
- Hospice and Palliative Care 3
Course release: 7/10/2023
About the CourseThis course provides an overview of hospice and palliative care and describes care that meets the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs of suffering patients and families. Palliative care is the overarching supportive approach that helps seriously ill patients and families address problems and improve their quality of life (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research [MFMER], 2021). Hospice is a type of palliative care specifically for those that have a terminal disease and life-limiting prognosis. The course will review theoretical models of the dying process, the psychological and physical symptoms as death approaches, misconceptions and barriers to providing end-of-life care.
- LGBTQ for Healthcare Professionals: Improving Access to Care 1Release date: 8/15/2022
The purpose of this course is to help improve care and health outcomes of the LGBTQ population by recognizing the existing disparities and increased health risks present in this population. We will examine system and provider/client barriers to equality in healthcare. - Mental Health Concerns and the Older Adult 4Course release date: 10/12/2022
About the Course
The healthcare worker meeting mental health needs will be able to view the older adult within the context of aging theories and identify interpersonal connection, biopsychosocial elements, and the assessment and treatment for common mental health problems in the older adult. The target audience is any healthcare worker who will assess, intervene, or treat mental health needs of an older adult client. Registered nurses, mental health technicians, mental health providers, case managers, and primary care healthcare workers can benefit from the perspective provided by this course. - Mental Health Crisis Response 2Course release date: 3/8/2023
About the Course
This course describes people at risk for a mental health crisis, symptoms of people who are experiencing a mental health crisis, and strategies to respond to a client who is currently experiencing a mental health crisis. The role of peer support and community health workers are also defined. - Professional Ethics and Law 4Course Release Date: 5/11/2022
About the Course
In practicing a profession, three interrelated but distinct areas come into play: professional values, ethics, and the law. Although all three areas are related to one another, sometimes they can conflict with one another. Sometimes, also, values can conflict with other values, as can ethics. When ethics conflict, an ethical dilemma results.
When professional values conflict with professional ethics, the organized and generally agreed-upon framework of an ethical code is vital. When ethics and the law collide, it may be necessary to consult the relevant professional organization. The American Medical Association, for example, has become involved when the law required that a physician be present at an execution. The AMA code of ethics explicitly forbids physicians from participating in capital punishment (Henry, 2018).
This intermediate course is intended to provide healthcare professionals such as social workers with an overview of how professional values, ethics, and the law come into play in mental health practice.
- Suicidal Ideation and Behavior in the Global Youth Population 4Release Date: 7/10/2023About the courseThis course explores suicidal thoughts and behavior in the global youth population. The course aims to merge different research analysis and summaries from different peer-reviewed literatures, therapy guidelines and research institutions with primary focus on the local and urban drivers of suicidal ideation and outcomes in the global youth population. Earlier research attempts to understand the drivers of suicidal trends globally identified a few key risk factors. However, in recent years, general population surveys centered on suicidal thoughts has identified a complex interplay of factors actively driving the triggers, method, and outcomes of suicidal behaviors.
- Suicide Risk in Adults: Assessment and Intervention, 2nd Edition 3Course Release Date: 5/10/22
About the Course
The purpose of this course is to assist clinicians in understanding factors that contribute to suicidal behavior, conducting comprehensive suicide risk assessments, and engaging patients in brief, empirically-supported interventions to reduce risk of death. This course meets an increasing demand of many mental health professionals seeking information about working with suicidal clients and conducting empirically-supported suicide risk assessments. This intermediate-level course is designed for social workers, mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists, educators, community-based program administrators, providers, and psychologists. The course will cover major risk factors, demographics and warning signs for suicidal behavior, as well as provide guidance on clinical risk assessment and options for intervention. Although the information presented here is useful to many mental health providers, no continuing education course can provide all the information that may be required in working with each individual who comes for help. It is therefore important that mental health providers consult knowledgeable colleagues, review the most recent articles and books on the topic of suicide, read and understand the risk-management practices of their agency, and maintain awareness of applicable local and state laws concerning the management and referral of suicidal persons. References and resources for those interested in pursuing further education on this topic are provided at the end of the course.