The Professional Colorist: It's More than Magic

About the Course
Hair coloring can be the most lucrative, rewarding service offered at a salon, yet many stylists remain apprehensive about color long after they leave cosmetology school. This is probably because hair coloring is about chemistry. It can be fraught with problems, with mistakes that drastically affect real people. This course will remind you about the basics of the process, and discuss the products and techniques to help you boost your confidence as you boost your knowledge. For those who have been using hair-coloring products comfortably for years, this course will refresh and reinforce the important points, and perhaps introduce a few new concepts or products. 

Learning objectives
  • Explain the significance of primary, secondary and tertiary colors on a color wheel and in the process of coloring.
  • Define what is meant by “warm” and “cool” colors, “complementary” colors, and “neutralizing” colors.
  • Describe the structure of hair and explain how it is affected by semi-temporary, semi-permanent and permanent hair coloring.
  • Explain the importance of light in a hair salon that provides color services.
  • Explain the difference between hair levels and tones.
  • Explain what the pH scale measures and how this is important to hair color.
  • Describe the process of oxidation and its function in permanent hair coloring.
  • Describe what is meant by “working volume” of hydrogen peroxide and its relevance to permanent hair coloring.
  • Explain the objectives of the consultation/assessment.
  • List the main points and relevance of assessing hair texture and porosity.
  • Define natural base level; explain how to find it and its significance in hair coloring.
  • Explain how percentage and distribution of gray affect hair coloring.
  • Describe how the target color is formulated.
  • Distinguish between predisposition (patch) testing and strand testing.
  • Define dominant remaining pigment (DRP) and explain its significance in lifting color. 
  • Identify the major categories of hair color services and describe the complications associated with each.