Serving Survivors of Suicide Loss

About the Course:
Funeral service professionals serve surviving family members who have experienced a loss with compassionate care. When the loss of a loved one is due to suicide, the grief response of survivors can be more complex and complicated than that of an accident, homicide, or natural death. Funeral directors can better serve suicide survivors by recognizing the complex emotions and feelings that may be experienced. Preparing and providing resources for survivors can be dramatically beneficial in their journey to healing and finding a new normal in their life.
Learning Objectives
  • Recognize the potential complexity of grief for suicide survivors.
  • Recognize the need to exercise patience and compassion in serving families following a suicide.
  • Interpret the needs of families to better recommend clergy and celebrants when required.
  • Differentiate between families wishing to provide opportunities of advocacy and those wishing to keep the manner of death private.
  • Develop resources to provide survivors after experiencing a loss to suicide.