Coronavirus (COVID-19) 101 For Healthcare Professionals
About the Course:
Coronavirus, caused by COVID-19, is a rapidly developing disease. As this disease continues to expand and engulf communities across the United States, it is critical that healthcare professionals become informed of the national standards of care provided by the Centers for Disease Control and other authoritative agencies. This basic-level course to provides the latest standardized information that is known about the identification, care, and prevention of the disease.
Social workers completing this course will receive 1 general social work continuing education credits.
Course Objectives:
- List the three coronaviruses that have surfaced around the world in the past decade.
- List three major symptoms that are associated with COVID-19.
- Discuss the current testing techniques for COVID-19.
- List the personal protective equipment that should be used when caring for a patient suspected to have or who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
- Discuss what an individual should do if he or she believes they may have been exposed to COVID-19.
- List at least four things you can do to decrease the risk of getting COVID-19.
- Discuss what should and should not be done when caring for a COVID-19 positive individual at home.
June Thompson, DrPH, MSN, RN, FAEN, has a long history of working in emergency care and in the community. She holds a doctoral degree in public health with an emphasis in epidemiology and health services administration. Dr. Thompson has held academic positions at the Ohio State University, the University of Texas and the University of New Mexico. She is currently the Lead Nurse Planner for Colibri Healthcare, LLC.
Course Disclosures
- Courses must be completed on or before the expiration date noted in the course description above.
- You must score 75% or higher on the final exam and complete the course evaluation to pass this course and receive a certificate of completion.
- Through our review processes, Colibri Healthcare, LLC ensures that this course content is presented in a balanced, unbiased manner and is free from commercial influence. It is Colibri Healthcare, LLC's policy not to accept commercial support.
- All persons involved in the planning and development of this course have disclosed no relevant financial relationships or other conflicts of interest related to the course content.