Myofascial Release Clinical Applications - Lower Body


About the Course
Therapists are often presented with the challenging task of deciphering sometimes vague symptoms associated with chronic pain, symptoms which don't always display expected dermotomal or myotomal patterns. Patients sometimes complain of stiffness or pain accompanied by tension in areas of their bodies not closely associated with the area of the actual injury. It is possible that these patients are suffering from myofascial dysfunction, which cannot be detected by MRIs, xrays or standard methods of examination. In such cases, myofascial pain is best diagnosed by an experienced manual therapy practioner, someone familiar in the use of motion testing and postural analysis. This course uses in depth demonstrative video, as well as detailed images for enhanced learning to ensure therapists learn to identify functions, structures and biomechanics of fascia. Therapists are taught technique concepts, special tests, and objective measures in the treatment of myofascial pain as well as indications and contraindications/precautions for myofascial release. Topics also covered include skin glides, skin rolling, crosshand and laminar releases, muscle play, traction circular and Z-friction as well as acupuncture meridians.

This video is an on-demand, video course.

This course is approved by the Florida Board of Massage Therapy as a hands-on credit, relevant to and focused on massage therapy techniques, skills and protocols.