Mandatory Subjects:
Pain Management – Oregon law requires all licensed nurses and other health professionals to receive one hour of pain management continuing education upon initial licensure and at every renewal thereafter. This one (1) hour must be the Oregon Pain Management Commission module.
Cultural Competency – The two-hour education is required for all physicians, physician assistants, acupuncturists, advanced practice nurses, podiatrists, chiropractors, naturopaths, psychologists, and other health professionals. This education does not need to be accredited or provide continuing education unit hours.
For more information, please visit the Oregon State Board of Nursing website:
Continuing Education Requirements for Renewal:
Elective CE is not required for licensees who can attest to 400 practice hours in the previous 2 years. Mandatory subjects above are required.
For licensees who cannot attest to 400 practice hours in previous 2 years, they must attest to 600 hours in previous 3 years + complete 20 hrs CE, including mandatory subjects listed above.
For licensees who cannot attest to either of the above, they must attest to 800 practice hours in previous 4 years + complete 30 hrs CE, including mandatory subjects listed above.
If the applicant is unable to qualify by any other option listed and has some practice but less than 960 hours of practice in the last five years, the applicant must apply for practice re-entry per OAR 851-031-0061. Mandatory subjects listed above are also required.
For more information on full CE requirements, please reference the Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 851: