An Overview of Hip and Knee Rehabilitation for the Physical Therapist


About the Course
Due to the anatomy and importance of the essential functions of the hips and knees, severe pain in either one -- or both -- of these areas can have a direct adverse effect on everyday life and can severely reduce the quality of life. The complexity of both of these anatomical structures can present various pathologies. This course will focus on these two parts and will look at the various symptoms, treatments and effective plans of treatment for optimum patient outcome.

Learning objectives

  • Summarize objective evaluation factors, objective measures and provocative testing that a physical therapy professional should utilize when evaluating patients who present with hip and knee pain.
  • Discuss standardized assessment tools commonly used to determine baseline levels of hip ability/inability and/or pain, and describe hip pathologies, the characteristics of each and treatment protocols for rehabilitation.
  • List frequently used outcome measures for knee functions, as well as common soft-tissue injuries often presented for rehabilitation.
  • Describe methods for rehabilitation following acute phases, considerations when determining a plan of care, and variations in appropriate range of motion, resistance, strength training as well as functional training based on individual goals and personal outcomes.