Blood Flow Restriction Training: Understanding the Safety, Mechanisms, and Efficacy, 2nd Edition


Course Overview 
Blood flow restriction training (BFRT) is an exercise technique that is transforming how we prescribe exercises therapy. By partially restricting blood flow to the muscles using specialized cuffs or bands, BFRT offers a range of benefits from muscle activation to advanced rehab training. Discover the benefits of blood flow restriction training with this course. From increasing muscle activation and muscle growth to enhancing strength and endurance. BFRT can even help reduce pain. BFRT is a science-based approach—over 800 articles published in the last 10 years—that can be safely prescribed to diverse populations from young to old, from patients to athletes.   

Learning Outcomes 
Upon completion of this course, the learner should be able to:

  • Understand the science behind BFRT and the benefits to this technique.
  • Discuss the research that supports use of BFRT. 
  • Review safety and precautions of BFRT.
  • Discuss the different types of BFRT. 
  • Understand indications and contra-indications for BFRT. 
  • Recognize how to program BFRT during exercises therapy. 
  • Review different BFRT products and understand the differences between them. 
  • Recognize how to determine Limb Occlusion Pressure (LOP) and understand why knowing the LOP is important in the use of BFRT. 

About the Author/Presenter 
Pieter L. de Smidt, PT, DPT, cert MDT, cert DN, MTC, has 36 years of experience as a physical therapist. He has achieved certifications in McKenzie mechanical diagnosis and therapy (Cert MDT), manual therapy (MTC), and sports therapy (STC). With his post-professional doctorate in physical therapy, he specialized in the management of musculoskeletal injuries of the spine and extremities. Dr. de Smidt uses an evidenced-based, integrated approach of manual therapy and exercise that includes IASTM, cupping, dry needling, and joint mobilization. His main professional goal is to bridge the gap between rehab and fitness and to empower clients to embrace a healthy lifestyle.

Audience/Accreditations and Approvals 
Colibri Healthcare 
This course is designed for the following healthcare professions (select your profession for details):  
Massage Therapy, Physical Therapy

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