Ethical Practice In Physical Therapy

About the Course:
This course covers the principles and standards of ethical practice for physical therapists and assistants and references the Codes of Ethics and Conduct Guides of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT). Ethical issues related to professional practice are discussed. Steps to identify potential conflicts and strategies for decision making to avoid and resolve ethical issues are included.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Define the standards and principles for ethical practice from the American Physical Therapy Association Code of Ethics for Therapists and Assistants.
  • List and explain the five roles of physical therapy.
  • Identify and give examples of the scope of practice.
  • State the purpose, mission, and vision of the Model Practice Act for Physical Therapy.
  • Define dual- or multiple-role relationships between practitioners and clients and strategies to maintain boundaries.
  • Identify and define the steps for ethical decision making using the RIPS Model.

The Author:
Gordon Ward, MPT