Introduction to Aquatic Therapy
About the Course:
"Introduction to Aquatic Therapy” is an informative course for those health professionals who would like to expand their skills into aquatic therapy and rehab. Aquatic therapy and rehabilitation is a growing market and provides an excellent service to clients. As a health professional, here’s the opportunity to enhance your career with the most current essential information you need to get started. Feel confidence in the concepts including waters properties, fluid dynamics, physiological responses to immersion, precautions/contraindication to aquatic therapy. Aquatic exericse equipment as well as the basic concepts of Bad Ragaz, Halliwick, Ai Chi, Watsu, Aquastretch and the Burdenko are covered.
Learning Outcomes
Upon the completion of this course, the learner will be able to:
- Analyze the origins and history of aquatic exercises.
- Predict 2 common perceptions of Aquatic Therapy
- Classify the properties of water and fluid dynamics as they relate to the human body
- Predict the physiological responses to immersion for the major systems of the body
- Differentiate the precautions and contraindications of aquatic therapy
- Analyze the difference between a static versus a dynamic pool
- Categorize 3 different types of assistive and resistive equipment
- Predict 2 goals of assistive and resistive exercise equipment
- Differentiate the principles of Bad Ragz, Halliwick, Ai Chi, Watsu, Aquastretch and Burdenko Methods including applications
About the Instructor:
Rick McAvoy PT, DPT, CSCS, has specialized in Aquatic Physical Therapy and Sports Performance for over 25 years. Rick is the Owner of RMA, RICK MCAVOY AQUATICS an Aquatic Sports Performance Training and Consulting Company in Southern Maine. Rick is a published author and researcher in the field of Aquatic Therapy and Sports Performance. He trains and consults with numerous athletes and sports teams from professional sports, collegiate and high school teams, along with fitness and healthcare institutions. Rick is a Master Instructor in the Burdenko Method, a specialized form of dynamic aquatic and land-based techniques. Rick lectures nationally and internationally throughout the year teaching the benefits of Aquatic Therapy and Fitness and Sports Performance to health clubs, athletic institutions, and health care practices.
How to Receive Credit
- View the entire recording.
- After completion of the course, complete the final examination. A passing grade of 70% is required. Test questions link content to learning outcomes as a method to enhance individualized learning and material retention.
- Provide required personal information and payment information.
- Complete the mandatory course evaluation.
- Print your Certificate of Completion.
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