The Elderly Adult: Impact of Aging on the Body, 2nd Edition


Course Overview

All systems in the body including the respiratory system, sensory system, gastrointestinal system, endocrine system, and muscular system affect the swallow. Aging impacts each system, creating more challenges for the elderly with mastication, swallow, digestion, and nutrition/hydration. These changes may require implementation of modifications and compensatory strategies. Knowing what is a temporary versus a permanent change can help us problem-solve appropriate modifications and strategies at mealtime. 

Learning Outcomes 
Upon the completion of this course, the learner should be able to:

  • Identify how body systems are impaired with aging.
  • List three changes in the swallow that occur with normal aging.   
  • Recognize impact of aging on mastication and dentition.   

About the Author/Presenter 

Denise Dougherty has a wealth of experience in speech pathology, having taught at Wesley College and York College of Pennsylvania and worked in various healthcare settings including long-term care facilities, clinics, hospitals, and home health. In addition to her private practice, she also specializes in forensic speech pathology. Denise has contributed articles to ASHA and presented on topics such as private practice, end-of-life care, and dysphagia across the United States. She has also coauthored a book titled Private Practice Essentials for Speech Pathologists. Denise has served on several committees and councils, including ASHA’s Health Care Economics Committee and Speech-Language Pathology Council and held leadership positions such as president and continuing education administrator for the American Academy of Private Practice in Speech Pathology and Audiology (AAPPSPA).
Audience/Accreditations and Approvals 
TRC Healthcare/ NetCE 
In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by TRC Healthcare/ NetCE. TRC Healthcare/NetCE is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team. 
This course is designed for the following healthcare professions (select your profession for details): 
Dental AGD Code: 750, Nursing

Colibri Healthcare 
This course is designed for the following healthcare professions (select your profession for details): 
Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy

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