Heartworm Disease in Dogs, 2nd Edition


About the Course
This course is intended for general practitioners of small animal veterinary medicine who care for dogs that may be exposed to heartworm disease. The course highlights the epidemiology and pathophysiology of heartworm infection, while also providing actional recommendations for heartworm diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Upon completion of this course, veterinarians will be able to prevent and manage heartworm disease, while also answering client questions about this condition. 

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, the learner will be able to: 

  • Summarize the epidemiology of canine heartworm disease.
  • Outline the life cycle of Dirofilaria immitis.  
  • Explain the pathophysiology of canine heartworm disease.
  • Outline the available diagnostic tests for canine heartworm disease. 
  • Choose a rational approach for appropriate heartworm testing.
  • Summarize heartworm treatment options.  
  • Select an appropriate heartworm treatment for a heartworm-positive patient.
  • List medications that can prevent canine heartworm disease.
  • Choose appropriate heartworm preventatives for canine patients.  
  • Understand the issue of macrocyclic lactone resistance and its relevance in clinical practice.  

About the Author/Presenter
Catherine Barnette, DVM spent 14 years as a small animal general practitioner, working in a variety of corporate-owned and privately-owned practices. During that time, she learned to effectively and efficiently explain complex medical topics to a wide variety of audiences. She now utilizes those skills as a veterinary writer, creating educational content for veterinarians, veterinary teams, and pet owners. Dr. Barnette earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and her Bachelor of Science in Zoology from the University of Florida. 

How to Receive Credit 

  • Read the entire course online or in print which requires a 2-hour commitment of time. 
  • After completion of the course, complete the final examination.  A passing grade of 75% is required. Test questions link content to learning outcomes as a method to enhance individualized learning and material retention. 
  • Provide required personal information and payment information.
  • Complete the mandatory course evaluation.
  • Print your Certificate of Completion.

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The planners, faculty, and others in control of content (either individually or as a group) of this educational activity have no relevant financial relationship(s) with ineligible companies to disclose.

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It is the policy of Colibri not to accept commercial support. Furthermore, commercial interests are prohibited from distributing or providing access to this activity to learners.

The information provided in this activity is for continuing education purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the independent medical judgment of a healthcare provider relative to diagnostic and treatment options of a specific patient’s medical condition.
©2024: All Rights Reserved. Materials may not be reproduced without the expressed written permission or consent of Colibri Healthcare, LLC. The materials presented in this course are meant to provide the consumer with general information on the topics covered. The information provided was prepared by professionals with practical knowledge of the areas covered. It is not meant to provide medical, legal, or professional advice. Colibri Healthcare, LLC recommends that you consult a medical, legal, or professional services expert licensed in your state. Colibri Healthcare, LLC has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that all content provided in this course is accurate and up to date at the time of printing but does not represent or warrant that it will apply to your situation nor circumstances and assumes no liability from reliance on these materials. Quotes are collected from customer feedback surveys. The models are intended to be representative and not actual customers.