And a Happy New Year: Apps to Help You Stay Organized, Fit, and Healthy

Apps to help you stay fit, organized, and helathy this new year

While the historical upheaval of the pandemic taught us all to leave room for the unexpected, there’s still great value in planning ahead. Whether your New Year’s resolutions focus on career growth, personal organization, or overall wellness, here’s a quick list of resources for healthcare professionals looking to start the new year off on the right foot.

Fostering professional growth

There’s always an opportunity to learn something new, and in the ever-evolving world of healthcare, it’s critical to stay on top of the latest research. Here are a few highly rated apps designed specifically for nurses.

  • Epocrates: With a library of drug references, disease information, and clinical practice guidelines, this app offers thoroughly researched and continually updated clinical content in the palm of your hand
  • Medscape: Download this app for healthcare news, drug updates, interactive diagnostics, case studies, and quizzes to help keep your skills sharp.

Related: Why Choose Nursing as a Second Career? (PODCAST)

Staying timely and organized

It’s said that everyone gets the same 24-hour pie each day, but that pie gets sliced a little differently for each person. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to maximize efficiency, but here are a few apps and services that may help keep you organized.

  • Pocket: Not enough time left in your break to finish reading that interesting listicle? Save, organize, and access content from around the internet with this app.
  • Todoist: Set daily priorities, manage deadlines, and stay on track with this simple to-do app.
  • Paprika: Whether you’re feeding just yourself or a large family, meal planning can be stressful. This app helps organize recipes, plan meals, and create grocery lists.
  • Mealime: With a library of quick meal guides, this app makes finding simple, time-saving recipes easy.

Healthy body, healthy mind

Taking time to cultivate wellness may not always feel productive, but maintaining your physical and mental health is a critical tool in combating burnout this coming new year. Remember: You can’t pour out of an empty cup!