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License Renewal Requirements for Louisiana Massage Therapists

License renewal requirements for Louisiana massage therapists

The deadline to complete the license renewal requirements for Louisiana massage therapists is fast approaching. According to the state board, all licensed MTs in Louisiana must complete 12 CE hours each year to renew their license.  

What do Louisiana LMTs need for renewal? 

Here’s a quick summary of the CE license renewal requirements for Louisiana massage therapists. 

  • License renewal deadline: March 31, 2023 
  • Total hours required: 12 hours  
  • Mandatory hours: 0 hours  
  • Elective hours: 12 hours 

Louisiana continuing education FAQs 

Q: This is the first year I’ve been licensed in Louisiana. Do I have to take CE hours? 

First year applicants do not have to take CE hours in their first year. After the first year, however, LMTs must complete 12 hours of CE from a continuing education provider. Elite Learning is an approved provider in Louisiana, sponsor code #LAP0291.)

Recommended: Louisiana All Access Pass

Q: Does the board grant extensions? 

The Louisiana Board of Massage therapy does not grant extensions or waivers. All licenses expire on March 31 each year. Massage therapists must complete their CE hours no later than March 31. 

Q: Are there specific courses I need to complete? 

Of the 12 CE hours needed to renew your license, all 12 are elective. The state does not mandate specific courses. However, every CE course you choose to complete must be registered with the state board to count for CE credit. 

Not sure if the course is approved? Check for the LCEU number, i.e. LCEU0003259. All registered and approved courses will have an approval code attached and should be visible on a provider’s site.  

Finish up now with the 12-hour 2022 Louisiana Massage Therapy CE Update (valid for 2023), the 12-hour 2021 Louisiana Massage Therapy CE Update package (also valid for 2023), or the All Access Pass

Q: How do I report my completed hours to the board? 

The Louisiana board will need a certificate of completion for each CE course you take. If you complete your CE with Elite, we will automatically report all your completed hours to the board within one business day.