When you run a massage therapy business, it’s vital that you master two different skill sets: massage therapy (of course) and running a business. Both are equally important. However, even with these skills mastered many massage therapists are struggling to make a profit. If we want to build our business to its fullest potential, make more money, and help people, we need to follow the example of experts who know how to balance working “in” and “on” their massage therapy business.
Working On >> vs >> In (Your Business)
There is an old adage that as a business owner, you need to spend more time working on your business than working in your business. Working on your business means doing tasks that makes your massage therapy business run and grow such as: marketing, accounting, planning for growth and expansion, networking, and ordering supplies. Basically everything to help keep your doors open, that doesn’t involve working on a client. Working in your business means doing your trade: massage therapy.
When you think about it, it seems working in your business is what brings in the money – this is a mistake. Working on your massage therapy business is what creates leads and draws in clients. Let’s look at a few tips you can follow to create an opportunity for success.
Channel Your Inner Entrepreneur:
This tip is the most important because it will help you set your intentions for your business clearly. How much money would you like to make? How many clients do you intend to see a week? What are your clients like? How does your business fit into your life? Write your intention down and then review it every week. Be as specific as you can and have a clear vision of how smooth and profitable your business will run.
Create A Marketing Plan:
Writing your plan down will ensure growing and marketing your business will be a whole lot easier! Know your target audience and how you will communicate what you have to say to them. These three points will make up your marketing plan. Understanding your strengths, weaknesses, and community environment will help too.
Consistency Is Important:
Having an entrepreneurial mindset means being disciplined and consistent in all aspects of running your massage therapy business, including your marketing, appearance, and your relationships with clients and others. It has been historically proven again and again that what separates ordinary from extraordinary, is consistent healthy habits. It’s the reason we go to the gym, unplug the hairdryer from the wall, lock the doors at night; making those rebooking calls is just another simple healthy habit that supports your business growth!
Birds Who Flock Together:
What’s the phrase? You can’t soar with eagles if you hang out with turkeys? Do your best to surround yourself with role models and mentors. It is vital – and I mean vital – to be part of a community of professionals who support each other and provide networking and growth opportunities. Surround yourself with people who challenge you to evolve and don’t weigh you down. LinkedIn is a great place to start, as well as, the chamber of commerce in your city, LeTip, Toastmasters, and much more!
Let Competition Fuel The Fire:
Competition with yourself, that is. Set milestones for yourself, achieve them, and strive for a more challenging goal. You should be competing with yourself first, before others. Spend your time bettering your business and increasing your goals. No need to worry about what everybody else is doing.
Be Purposely, Purposeful:
Having clarity about your purpose sets the foundation for a successful massage therapy business. Even though you may be passionate about massage, your sole purpose is to create a profitable business. You may be here to help others, but your business is here to make money, run it as such.
Check Yourself (Before You Wreck Yourself):
Make it a priority to keep your word to yourself, including the promises you make. One of the reasons we second guess ourselves is because we have a history of breaking our own word, and that breaks down trust. If you decide to spend half a day on marketing each week then do it. Discipline builds a business, not procrastination!
Recognize that you are an entrepreneur and you need to manage a business and see clients as well. Practice makes perfect. Just as you are a lifelong student of healing arts, be a lifelong student of business. The more you know, the better you will grow. Keep learning and your business will certainly flourish. Do you have any tips to add? Put them in the comments below.