Several independent massage therapists find it a difficult task to find clients for their daytime hours. It’s especially hard because you are working in an ‘evening and weekend’ industry. Most people want to relax after a hard day’s work or on the weekend so of course they are most likely to book during these times. Furthermore many people don’t have the flexibility from work to book during the day. Now how do you market to those who do want to schedule a daytime massage? Well here are 6 tips to book more daytime massage therapy clients.
Design Your ‘Buyer Personas’ for Daytime Clients: Survey your clients or go through the information they provide you with. Ask questions such as: How did you first hear about me? Are you working or retired? Part time or full time or 3rd shift worker etc. Are you injured/unable to work or disabled? Do you receive regular therapeutic treatments for a condition? What is your household income? Collect as much information as you can on the clients in your area! Next analyze the data you collected to create a description of your ideal client. Identifying your target market is important! Do your clients’ needs match your skills and preferences? Then design a ‘buyer persona’ for each client. I will discuss buyer personas further in this course.
Create a Message that Connects with these Personas: What would entice this person to come to you? Your marketing message will be focused on addressing the needs of your ideal client, solving their individual problems, and pinpointing what motivates them to book a massage. If you specialize in prenatal massage then naturally you would want your marketing message to speak to pregnant women. In your marketing material and campaigns design a different message for each buyer persona or market.
Special Promotions: For clients who would desire a massage during the day you could offer a special package. Perhaps you can offer a quick ‘trigger point tune up’ for regular clients. You don’t always have to have discounts to make your offers more appealing. It’s all in the way you craft your message and offers. If you do other discounts or offers be sure to exclude 30 minute sessions as they are already not as profitable.
Eliminate Your Roadblocks: What are the roadblocks your ideal client experiences when getting a massage? If you’re targeting clients with plenty of disposable income it won’t be money but it could be:
- Finding Time: focus on your calendar and scheduling process, eliminate all frustrations in the booking process (this could mean an easier online scheduler, it could be email reminders, it could also mean making those follow up calls).
- They Don’t Think About It: focus on brand awareness campaigns to make your services eye catching and top of mind.
- If your client views massage therapy as preventive medicine what are their roadblocks? Finances could be a roadblock but they’ll invest in a discounted package of 8 sessions.
- Injured or disabled people might be more willing to book if you started billing insurance.
Find the roadblocks and smooth the way as much as possible for your clients. It will increase your bookings!
Never Miss an Opportunity: Since you’re focused on filling daytime hours be ready to book anyone who calls, emails, or goes online to seek out a massage. Having online booking and scheduling tools will help clients seeking immediate gratification. For the busy independent massage therapist, reception services are definitely a worthwhile investment. This way your client can book an appointment even when you’re busy with other tasks. Can your clients book from Facebook, your website, or from their mobile devices? Start using these tools and make sure to inform your clients and other networks how easy it is to book a massage from you!
Your Referral Network: Extend your network and work with groups that attract your ideal client. Volunteer, form referral partnerships, leave marketing materials, and/or offer promotions for these groups. Start by doing just one of those things! Specialties may include: insurance-disability and injuries, general practitioners, dentists- TMJ treatments, retirement groups, or expectant mother groups-birthing classes.
Start With Just ‘One Thing’
All it takes is one decision, one step, to make big changes! Take this list one point at a time. Do you prefer daytime or evening appointments for your practice? What tips do you have for booking daytime massage appointments?