As a massage therapist, you’ve more than likely heard about prenatal massage. You might even offer it as a service. But have you heard about the benefits of postpartum massage? Postpartum massage helps restore the body’s condition and provide relief to muscles after labor. This type of bodywork can help after delivery to recover and transition women physically and emotionally. The main benefits of postpartum bodywork include:
Postnatal massage can help alleviate strain and help stretch the back and balance the pelvic rotation. After all, following childbirth, all women deserve to feel relaxed and pampered.
After labor, your body loses the ability to hold basic postures, which result in muscle imbalances, as muscles are either overactive or stretched. Massage can help restore postural imbalances and help to realign the pelvic floor.
Emotional strength
Massage therapy can help decrease stress and promote endorphins throughout the body. Following the birth of their child, some mothers experience postpartum depression. Being nurtured through massage can help elevate this.
The labor process is exhausting. Add onto that a newborn, and most moms aren’t getting much sleep. Postpartum massage will help with fatigue and promote relaxation, which allows women to sleep better (something beneficial to all new moms).
Bodywork can help a new mother’s body in the healing process. Just like in classic massage, postpartum bodywork helps with edema throughout the body and helps eliminate excess fluids.
If you’re already providing prenatal massage and want to add a new modality, this is an excellent offering for you to consider. We are offering a live class on an Introduction to Postpartum Bodywork in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. In this class, we will introduce students to various methods used to support a woman through her postpartum period. Students will be able to identify multiple structural ailments and perform effective techniques to help correct them.