At any point in a massage therapist’s career, partnering with a chiropractor’s office can be an exciting and rewarding step! For those who wish to improve skills, gain a deeper understanding of functional anatomy, and learn new approaches to addressing chronic conditions, collaboration in chiropractic care is something to consider. Depending on the arrangements it could even lead to an opportunity to grow your own private practice. These simple tips will guarantee the relationship between massage therapist and chiropractor is a successful one!
- Formal Introductions: There are a few different ways a relationship with a chiropractor might begin, such as applying for an open position in a practice or renting space in a chiropractor’s office but not necessarily being a part of the team or an hourly employee. Let’s say you want to introduce yourself for networking purposes and get your name out there, be sure to make a good first impression! Use professional letters on letterhead when communicating with a new chiropractor or medical professional. If you don’t have professional letterhead, a high quality greeting card with a neatly handwritten note can also make a great first impression, just be sure to tuck your business card inside.
- Become Friends with the Receptionist: Connect with the receptionist to get your foot in the door. It’s impossible to get to the doctor without going through the receptionist! Leave behind business cards, letter of introduction, and a few research articles in a manila envelope. Invite the receptionist to enjoy a half hour complimentary massage so she can give a firsthand account of your professional atmosphere in your office and your skills as a therapist.
- Master Your Skills: Hone your expertise in anatomy. If you’re serious about working in a clinical setting focus on a modality that aligns with chiropractic therapies. You will benefit greatly from expanding your knowledge of chiropractic care as well.
- Always Show Professional Courtesy: Be a partner and show respect for the relationship. If you are renting space from a chiropractor be polite and respectful. Join with a partner attitude, not a rival or competitor’s attitude. Never speak negatively about the people in the office or undermine the chiropractor. Consider your professional appearance and conduct. You will find great success when you dress as part of the team and fit into the team dynamic.
- Keep the Advantages in Mind: If you are hired hourly it’s important to understand the advantages of not paying any overhead. This is especially important when you consider how much you should be getting paid. The costs of ownership can add up quickly. As a talented massage therapist you should be getting paid fairly and you should absolutely negotiate on an agreement that you can feel good about. But there is one thing that massage therapists tend to overlook when they complain about not getting paid fairly and that is overhead! Overhead can easily eat up 90% of your profits! Overhead includes: rent, utilities (lights, water, heating, cooling), laundry, taxes, marketing, and emergencies.
- Always Follow up on a Referral: If you get a referral from a chiropractor follow up on your client’s progress with them. Introduce yourself and let them know in concrete terms what you are helping the client with, the progress, ask if there’s anything he or she would prefer to have for the patient’s file etc. Present yourself as a health professional who cares about their client or patient, and establish a line of communication.
No matter what your goals are, partnering with a chiropractor can be an exciting way to help you reach them. Keep open communication and mutual respect as a priority and you will both enjoy a profitable partnership. Do you take referrals from chiropractors; what tips should be added to this list?