These fresh marketing ideas can liven up your coming spring
Earlier this month, groundhog Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, which, according to legend, means six more weeks of winter. However, spring is just around the corner.
Many hibernate for the winter months. Spring is an excellent time to remind your current clients (and future ones too) why they need to book their next appointment at your salon or spa. Here are four fresh, fun, and fabulous ways to gain clients this spring.
1. Try out a new theme
The winter season takes a significant toll on our skin. Spring often provides the best climate for our skin to readjust and become rejuvenated before the harsh summer hits. Think of a clever tagline such as “Soften your skin this spring” or “Spruce up your hair this spring” to put on a poster in your salon, your website, or your social media accounts.
2. Try a fun holiday
There aren’t too many holidays in the spring that will attract clients to your salon/spa, so think outside the box. Check out National Day Calendar to find out what the “holiday” of the day is and plan accordingly. Everyone loves an outrageous day to celebrate chocolate cake or pirates! Choose something fun and offer a discount or specialized services to celebrate.
3. Host a contest
All clients love to win free services or products, so hosting a contest seems like an obvious idea. Ask your clients to participate in a spring activity and turn it into a competition. For example, have them take a photo of their favorite spring flower and bring it on or post it online and then the most interesting flower wins.
4. Remember prom
Spring often means that prom is around the corner, and now would be the best time for high schoolers to start scheduling appointments. Think about ways in your community that you could market specifically to high school students (as well as their parents). Social media is often the best way to reach this demographic, so create a fun and attractive ad to catch their attention.
Spring is a celebration of everything coming back to life again. Winter looks different to all of us, but depending on what state you live in, it can feel like a century since you’ve seen a flower bloom. Have fun with your spring marketing campaign and remember the more involvement from your clients the more fun you’ll have with it. Have additional fresh spring marketing ideas? Share them in the comments below!