ADVANCE’S 1999 MammographyBreast Health Directo

Bolstering mammography services? Need MQSRA questions answered? Whatever your mammography/breast health needs, ADVANCE’s annually updated list of vendors serving this niche–along with how to reach them and what they provide–will make your search easier.

ADVANCE’S 1999 Mammography/Breast Health Directory

Access Medical
Equipment Group Inc.

10 Dubon Court, Suite 1
Farmingdale, NY 11735
(516) 847-0130
(800) 766-5444
Fax: (516) 847-0505
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Purchase and sell mammography and X-ray units (all MFGs)
Price Range: Not provided
* Provides all categories of preowned
diagnostic imaging equipment. The company handles all the necessary arrangements for a turnkey project, including site preparation, delivery, refurbishment,
installation and service. Access Medical purchases and sells all manufacturers
of diagnostic equipment, including CT,
MRI, gamma cameras, cath/angio suites,
mammography, X-ray and ultrasound

Acuson Corp.
1220 Charleston Road
P.O. Box 7393
Mountain View, CA 94039-7393
(650) 969-9112
(800) 422-8766
Fax: (650) 968-1833
Web Site:
Product Name: Seqnoia® 512
Ultrasound System

Price Range: Not provided
Product Name: Aspen Advanced
Ultrasound System

Price Range: Not provided
Product Name: 15L8W High Resolution, High Frequency Transducer
Price Range: Not provided
* A leading worldwide manufacturer
and service provider of medical diagnostic ultrasound systems and image management products.

Agfa Corp.
100 Challenger Road
Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660
(201) 641-9566
(800) 581-AGFA (2432)
Fax: (201) 440-1512
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Drystar 2000C Imagers
* Drystar 2000C Tabletop Color Imagers produce sharp, 300 dpi color and/or grayscale diagnostic images with up
to 16.7 million colors, or 256 shades of gray. They are ideal for Color Doppler

AIM Software Systems Inc.
1787-34 Veterans Highway
Islandia, NY 11722
(516) 234-0621
(800) 331-4466
Fax: (516) 234-0702
E-mail: 74602,[email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Medtran/400 (medical record transcription system)
Price Range: Not provided
Product Name: AIM Systems for Radiology (radiology information systems)
Price Range: Varies
* Fully featured radiology information
system includes interfaces to most clinical systems (HIS), mammography systems.

American Mammographics
1302 Shawhan Terrace
Chattanooga, TN 37411-2221
(423) 624-9530
(800) 626-4301
Fax: (423) 624-1146
E-mail: [email protected]
Product Name: MammoSpot®
Price Range: $375 to $1,795
* Markets the MammoSpot magnification platforms developed by Dr. Gordon L.
Hixson, Sr. It is a magnification platform that incorporates a spot compression cone used for supplemental diagnostic breast imaging. One or more models can be used on any mammographic equipment currently in use. It offers the unique technology of dual focal or spot compression, and is the only mammographic magnification platform available with the patented spot compression feature on a platform for use underneath the breast.

American Medical Sales Inc.
4928 W. Rosecrans Ave.
Hawthorne, CA 90250-6616
(310) 219-3200
(800) 423-3535
Fax: (310) 219-3201
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: MVR-1360-Mammolux
Price Range: $40,000
Product Name: MVR-680-Mammolux
Price Range: $36,000
* Mammolux is a high-capacity motorized film viewer that can hold a variety of film sizes, 680 (18 x 24 cm or 24 x 30 cm) or 170 (14″ x 17″). Equipped with shutters and a joystick to control 10 x 10 hot spot. Automatic dropped film retrieval, anti-
static built in. The 1360 model can review several studies at once and has a half-frame advance feature.

American Society of Radiologic Technologists
15000 Central Ave. SE
Albuquerque, NM 87123-3917
(505) 298-4500
(800) 444-2778
Fax: (505) 298-5063
Web Site:

AR Custom Medical Products Ltd.
19-A W. Industry Court
Deer Park, NY 11729
(516) 242-7501
Fax: (516) 242-7507
Product Name: Mammography
Compressor Paddles and Plastic

Price Range: $225-$1,200
Product Name: “Compassion” Flex

Price Range: $750
* Manufacturer of custom-made compressor paddles for upgrade, replacement, biopsy, small breasts, spot and magnification for most mammography equipment. Also designs and manufactures the new “Compassion” flex paddles that facilitate imaging breast tissue toward the nipple.

Argus Software Inc.
2221 Broadway, Suite 212
Redwood City, CA 94063
(650) 299-8100
(800) 422-7487
Fax: (650) 299-8104
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: QCWatch-Mspec
Price Range: Not provided
Product Name: QC4
Price Range: Not provided
* Provides automated solutions for quality control information management. QCWatch-Mspec is a complete software solution designed to aid in compliance with the MQSA equipment QC requirements. Its software automates the entire quality control process including data collection, data analysis and reporting. QC4, Argus’ software for radiation therapy, is a fully integrated data entry, analysis and reporting system for quality control of
linear accelerators, simulators and high dose rate remote afterloaders.

Bennett, a division of
Trex Medical Corp.

445 Oak St.
Copiague, NY 11726
(516) 691-6100
(800) 922-9399
Fax: (516) 691-6103
Product Name: Contour 2000
Mammography System

Price Range: $91,500
Product Name: Profile 2000
Mammography System

Price Range: $72,000
* The Bennett division of Trex Medical Corp. is a world leader in the design and development of innovative mammography systems. The Contour 2000 consistently acquires more breast tissue and provides exceptional imaging. The Profile 200 delivers superior visualization of detail for the earliest detection of breast pathology.

Beverly Hills Medical Systems
9033 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 278-8288
(800) 544-2467
Fax: (310) 278-7716
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Omnitrax 32
Price Range: $1,200 and up
* Omnitrax 32 is a full-featured patient information system that incorporates all the mammography tools previously featured in Mammotrax for Windows.

Biodex Medical Systems
Brookhaven R&D Plaza, 20 Ramsay Road
Shirley, NY 11967
(516) 924-9000
(800) 224-6339
Fax: (516) 924-9241
E-mail: sales@biodex
Web Site:
Product Name: Scintimammography

Price Range: $495
Product Name: Mammography
Imaging Stretchair

Price Range: $3,695
* Biodex has just issued its latest Radiology Supplies & Accessories catalog
featuring hundreds of products for mammography, ultrasound, MRI and general diagnostic imaging. The company’s recent acquisition of Byers Industries Lab
Systems adds film duplicators/subtractors and SilverFlex recovery systems to its product offering.

Broadwest Corp.
260 W. Broadway
New York, NY 10013
(212) 219-9022
(800) 232-2948
Fax: (212) 226-2930
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: MammoMask®

Price Range: $1,635 to $4,135
Product Name: MamCam Electronic Magnifier
Price Range: $1,150 to $1,700
* Broadwest has the largest installed base of fully masking illuminators in the United States. The MammoMask® improves
viewing conditions to enhance diagnostic interpretation of mammograms. The
MamCam handheld camera presents highly magnified images onto monitors in
conferences, seminars, tumor boards or
interdisciplinary meetings, and allows
radiologists to display cases directly from films without slide preparations.

Calumet Coach Co.
2150 E. Dolton Rd.
Calumet City, IL 60409
(708) 868-5070
Fax: (708) 868-0775
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Full line of mobile
mammography units

Price Range: Not provided
* Specializes in the mobilization of medical equipment including MRI systems, lithotripers, cardiac catheterization labs, CT scanners, mammography units and other medical products.

Carr Corp.
1547 11th St.
Santa Monica, CA 90401
(310) 587-1113
(800) 952-2398
Fax: (310) 395-9751
E-mail: [email protected]
* Carr Corp. offers three types of
mammography illuminators: a two-
and four-section manual illuminator,
a four-section motor masking illuminator, and a large, 1032 high-volume mammography masking motor-driven illuminator.

2428 Almeda Ave. #212
Norfolk, VA 23513
(757) 855-2765
(800) 617-1177
Fax: (757) 857-0523
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Grid-View Specimen
Imaging Container

Price Range: $7.44 each in quantities of 50, or $8.75 individually
Product Name: Pathfinder Biopsy Training Package
Price Range: $395
* Offering specimen imaging containers and phantoms for biopsy training, accreditation and QA.

CIVCO Medical Instruments
102 First St. South
Kalona, IA 52247
(319) 656-4447
(800) 445-6741
Fax: (319) 656-4451
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Biopsy Needle Guides
Price Range: Not provided
Product Name: Transducer Covers
Price Range: Not provided
* A full-service designer and marketer of customized medical instruments for imaging professionals. Manufactures brackets, needle guides and transducer covers for nearly every ultrasound equipment manufacturer worldwide. Also offers a full line of supplies for all imaging needs. Product line includes ultrasound transducer covers, biopsy needle guidance systems, transmission gels, disinfectants, soaking supplies, quality assurance phantoms, needles and printer supplies.

Creative Computer
Applications Inc. (MQA)

26115 Mureau Road
Calabasas, CA 91302
(818) 880-6700
(800) 437-9000
Fax: (818) 880-4398
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: MQA/Win
Price Range: $7,500
Product Name: MQA/ViP
Price Range: $15,000
* MQA/Win offers 100 percent FDA/MQSA compliance for mammography tracking and integrated interventional mammography tracking. The easy-to-use device boasts color-coded data entry screens, unlimited reporting functions and unlimited forms of patient/doctor letters. The MQA/ViP has all the power features of MQA/Win with the added capability of
continuous voice dictation for transcription reports. The device eliminates manual data entry of information for MQSA and generates transcription reports for all
radiology modalities.

DEK Products Inc.
9532 Topanga Canyon Blvd.
(818) 349-1613
(800) 266-7757
Fax: (818) 349-4284
Web Site:
Product Name: GenieWipe Cloth
Price Range: $60 (25 pack)
Product Name: Allclear Spray
Price Range: $4.95/bottle
* Supplies the GenieWipe and Allclear spray antistatic screen cleaners to
mammography and radiology facilities. Both products remove static and dust in one step.

Del Medical Systems
11550 W. King St.
Franklin Park, IL 60131
(847) 288-7000
Fax: (847) 288-7011
Product Name: Mamex
Price Range: Not provided
* The Mamex high-frequency mammography system provides high-resolution, high-contrast images while ensuring
patient comfort. Features include advanced low-dose imaging; a microprocessor-controlled, high-frequency generator; digital readout displays located on the generator and c-arm; and a compression system utilizing two speeds to control the
compression and comfort level.

Diversified Diagnostic
Products Inc.

11603 Windfern
Houston, TX 77064
(281) 955-5323
Fax: (281) 955-8522
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Mammoviewer
Price Range: $13,000 to $16,000
* Manufacturer of high-capacity motorized mammography film viewer that offers quiet operation. The premiere model, the 3D, is a triple bank viewer that can
accommodate 1,350 patient films on a single belt.

Eastman Kodak Co.
343 State St.
Rochester, NY 14650
(800) 242-2424
(800) 635-8313
Fax: (800) 336-4722
Web Site:

Product Name: Kodak Min-R 2000 Screen-Film System
Price Range: Not provided
* Kodak Min-R 2000 screen-film system helps mammography facilities meet stringent quality control and accreditation standards with greater confidence and ease. The Min-R 2000 system sets a new standard for quality, consistency and

Faxitron X-Ray Corp.
225 Larkin Drive, Suite 1
Wheeling, IL 60047
(847) 465-9729
(888) 465-9729
Fax: (847) 465-9740
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: MX-20 Specimen
Radiography System

Price Range: $23,500
Product Name: MX-20 DC2 Digital Specimen Radiography System
Price Range: $45,500
* The Faxitron Specimen Radiography System is available in both film-based and digital imaging. The MX-20 systems deliver superior resolution for needle core and surgically removed biopsies.

Fischer Imaging Corp.
12300 N. Grant St.
Denver, CO 80241
(303) 452-6800
(800) 825-8434
Fax: (303) 450-4369
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Mammotest® Plus
Stereotactic Breast Biopsy System

Price Range: $279,000
Product Name: HF-X Plus Screening Mammography System
Price Range: $75,000
* The Mammotest Plus/S prone stereotactic platform offers 360 degree needle
access, ergonomic design, and a new
color workstation with superior resolution. It is an accurate alternative to surgical biopsy, without discomfort or possible disfigurement to the patient or the expense of surgery. The HF-X Plus/S system allows shared generator capabilities with the Mammotest® Plus, has digital spot capabilities and the smallest focal spot in the industry at .05 mm.

GE Medical Systems
3000 N. Grandview Blvd.
Waukesha, WI 53188
(414) 544-3011
Web Site:

Product Name: Mammography Systems–Digital and Film
Price Range: $68,000 to $130,000
Product Name: Ultrasound Systems
Price Range: $50,000 to $150,000
* GE’s Senograph 800T has the only Rh/MO tube on the market. The DMR yields better penetration on dense
breast tissue at low dose. The add-on
senovision digital spot reduces need
loc time by 50 percent with the automatic needle positioner. Film and digital in
one system.

Gordon Instruments Inc.
3645 California Road
Orchard Park, NY 14127
(716) 662-5353
(800) 333-2672
Fax: (716) 662-7839
E-mail: gordon-info@gordon-

Web Site:
Product Name: TeleMate 100, 200, 300
Price Range: $8,995 to $15,995
* The company sells plain film and
oncology display systems including the TeleMate, which displays transparencies through monitors and video projectors.

Hi Tech International Group Inc.
11 Great Neck Road
Great Neck, NY 11021
(516) 482-8600
Fax: (516) 773-6103
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Refurbished
mammography systems

Price Range: None provided
Product Name: New digital and
refurbished ultrasound systems

Price Range: None provided
* Selling used and refurbished imaging systems since 1989.

Huestis Medical
68 Buttonwood St.
Bristol, RI 02809-0718

(401) 253-5500
(800) 972-9222
Fax: (401) 253-7350
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Flexi-board®
Price Range: $3,375 (retail)
Product Name: Turbo-cast RT®
Price Range: $26 to $155 (retail)
* The Flexi-board, a carbon-fiber breast incline board, is easily handled weighing 6.5 lbs., yet supports 300 lbs. Its radiolucent design, including side grids, allows treatment from any angle. The Turbo-cast RT®, low temperature radiation therapy thermoplastic, forms quickly and is easily applied to patient contours. It will not stick to skin, hair or itself.

IGC Medical Advances Inc.
10437 Innovation Drive
Milwaukee, WI 53226
(414) 258-3808
(800) 657-0891
Fax: (414) 258-4931
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: MRI Bilateral Breast Coil
Price Range: $19,600

Inovision Radiation Measurements
6045 Cochran Road
Cleveland, OH 44139
(440) 248-9300
(800) 850-4608
Fax: (440) 349-2307
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Triad
Price Range: $9,900
Product Name: NEROmAx Model 8000
Price Range: $12,000
* Triad is a full-function X-ray dosimeter kit that performs highly sensitive
measurements in all modalities for X-ray field service, calibration and quality
assurance testing. NEROmAx is a noninvasive evaluator of radiation outputs and evaluates a wide range of X-ray machines, including pulsed fluoro, cine, CT, portables, mammo, panoramic dental, radiographic, glouroscopic, low, medium and high frequency.

3956 44th St., SE
Kentwood, MI 49512
(616) 554-7750
(800) 558-4647
Fax: (616) 554-7751
E-mail: [email protected]
Product Name: Ghiatas Beaded Breast
Localization Wires

Price Range: Not provided
Product Name: Aspiration Biopsy
Syringe Gun

Price Range: Not provided
Product Name: Ultrasound Enhanced Cyst Aspiration and Biopsy Needles
Price Range: Not provided
* Offers a range of products serving the breast biopsy market. The company’s patented ultrasound enhancement technology is featured in a range of biopsy and cyst aspiration needles. Beads at the distal end of the beaded breast localization wire provide reference points in marking breast lesions on both the image and during the procedure. The syringe gun is ideal for easy, one-handed aspirations.

Insight Medical
Management Systems

16161 Ventura Blvd., Suite 220
Encino, CA 91436
(818) 385-0123
(800) 643-0123
Fax: (818) 385-0124
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Mammography Patient Manager
Price Range: Not provided
* Insight’s Mammography Patient
Manager (MPM) is part of the OmniCare family of Windows-based health care
information systems that provides breast centers with a completely customizable system that is compliant with FDA/MQSA final requirements.

Instrumentarium Imaging
300 W. Edgerton Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53207
(800) 558-6120
Fax: (414) 481-8665
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Alpha IQ
Price Range: Not provided
Product Name: Delta 16
Price Range: Not provided
* Specializes in Alpha mammography,
Orthopantomograph dental panoramic imaging and TACT 3-D digital imaging, and also manufactures the Ortho Ceph, Alpha IQ, Delta 16 and a full line of accessories.

International X-Ray Brokers
31 Memorial Drive
Avon, MA 02301
(508) 559-9441
(508) 477-9729
Fax: (508) 584-2344
* Buys and sells preowned radiology equipment, including mammography units, ultrasound, CT, MRI and nuclear cameras.

MammoBase, LLC
9209 Oak Ridge Highway
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
(423) 927-0203
(888) 927-2858
Fax: (423) 927-6866
Web Site:
E-mail: [email protected]
Product Name: Mammography Tracking and Reporting System
Price Range: Not provided

Mammography Consulting
Services Ltd.

1024-82 St. N.W.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6K 1X6
(780) 462-2615
Fax: (780) 462-2615
E-mail: [email protected]
Product Name: Handbook of
Mammography (4th Edition)

Price Range: Approximately $60.95 (to be revised fall 1999)
Product Name: Educational
Mammography Patient Posters

Price Range: $22.50 (single), $80 (set of four) plus $5.25 shipping and handling
* The Handbook of Mammography, one of the ACR MAP recommended references, is a complete and concise reference for the practicing mammographer. The company’s mammography posters explain the value of the procedure and the need for breast compression and additional views.

Mammography Reporting
System Inc.

4500 Ninth Ave., NE, Suite 325
Seattle, WA 98105
(206) 633-6145
(800) 253-4827
Fax: (206) 633-6038
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: QA+ Single User
Price Range: $2900
Product Name: Standard MRS Network
Price Range: $8000
* Supplier of computerized systems for collecting, reporting, tracking and analyzing all breast-related procedures. MRS products meet all MQSA exam reporting and patient communication requirements. MRS interfaces with RIS and HIS systems and is licensed to incorporate the ACR
BI-RADS lexicon.

Medelex Inc.
732 N. Pastoria Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 774-0692
(800) 644-0692
Fax: (408) 774-0696
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: X-ray tubes for

Price Range: Not provided
* Medelex supplies image intensifiers,
CT and diagnostic X-ray tubes for
OEM equipment.

Medical Imaging/IMCO Inc.
2725 Advance Lane
Colmar, PA 18915
(215) 996-0920
(800) 627-2457
Fax: (215) 996-0924
E-mail: [email protected]
Product Name: Fischer Imaging
Price Range: $10,000 to $125,000
Product Name: Konica
Price Range: $5,000 to $50,000
* This tri-state area company sells medical imaging and processing equipment and services refurbished General Electric equipment, innerspace catheter storage systems, and new and preowned
radiographic and processing equipment.

Medical X-Ray
Enterprises Inc./MXE Inc.

12107 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90230
(310) 823-0799
(800) 252-1801
Fax: (310) 823-2349
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Grids and grid protectors, mammography chairs
Price Range: $500 to $3,500
Product Name: X-ray cassette and ID camera repair
Price Range: $50 to $200 plus parts
* MXE is a leading supplier of X-ray grids and grid accessories, and distributes such products as grids, grid caps, K-edge slip-on, grid cassettes, grid encasements, mammography chairs, tabletop cassette holders, cassettes and screens. MXE also offers cassette repair and radiation survey meter repair and calibration (to MIL ANS ANSI standards) and ID camera repair.

Medrad Inc.
1 Medrad Drive
Indianola, PA 15051
(412) 767-2400
(800) 633-7231
Fax: (412) 767-4197
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Medrad Breast Coil
Price Range: not provided
* Offers breast coil for GE Signa 1.5T, 1.0T and Vectra/Contour 0.5T systems. The breast coil provides high image quality from a multicoil design and offers excellent fat suppression, coverage to ancillary tissues and a unilateral or bilateral imaging option.

Mobil Tech Inc.
300 Northstar Court
Sanford, FL 32771
(407) 324-8100
Fax: (407) 324-9595
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Full line of mobile
mammography units

Price Range: Not provided
* Specializes in mobile medical units for mammography screening bloodmobiles, dental clinics and general medical clinics.

Monarch Specialized
Motor Coach Corp.

1510 Progress Drive
Albion, IN 46701
(219) 636-2313
(800) 643-3216
Fax: (219) 636-3491
E-mail: Monarch@Monarch

Web Site:
* Manufactures specialized commer-
cial medical vehicles including mobile
mammography and mobile health
screening units.

Mylin Medical Systems Inc.
13197 Sunset Point
New Buffalo, MI 49117
(616) 469-6385
Fax: (616) 469-6387
* Mylin Medical Systems, a member of IAMER, has been buying and selling used and reconditioned imaging equipment for more than 15 years. The company specializes in mammography, X-ray, CT, MRI,
nuclear medicine, ultrasound and linear
accelerators. A list of used equipment can be obtained upon request.

Nuclear Associates
100 Voice Road
Carle Place, NY 11514-1515
(516) 741-6360
(888) 466-8257
Fax: (516) 741-5414
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Mammography
Accreditation Phantoms

Price Range: $578
Product Name: Digital Mammography Phantoms
Price Range: $595
* Nuclear Associates is a leading developer, marketer and supplier of imaging instruments and accessories for diagnostic radiology, radiation therapy, radiation
protection, ultrasound, mammography,
nuclear medicine, health physics, MRI and industrial radiography.

Per-Sé Technologies Inc.
2700 Cumberland Parkway, Suite 300
Atlanta, GA 30339
(770) 444-4000
(888) 448-4968
Fax: (770) 444-7435
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: ProgRIS Interactive
Price Range: Not provided
* ProgRIS Interactive is an information system designed for hospital radiology departments and imaging networks
with an easy-to-use, intuitive graphic
environment that integrates voice images and text.

Pinestar Technology Inc.
P.O. Box 824
Greenville, PA 16125
(724) 932-2121
(800) 682-2226
Fax: (724) 932-3176
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Scintimammography
Pad Set

Price Range: $499
Product Name: Separation Pad with Lead for Bilateral Imaging
Price Range: $120
* Facilitates prone breast imaging on virtually any imaging system. PBI-3 consists of four specialized pads that allow comfortable and anatomically correct prone patient imaging. The unique design of the pads makes left, right or bilateral image acquisition easy. Optimal separation pad with lead allows bilateral imaging.

Planmed Inc.
362 Balm Court
Wood Dale, IL 60191
(630) 595-8317
(630) 595-9984
Fax: (630) 595-9984
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Sophie Classic
Mammography Unit

Price Range: Not provided
Product Name: Sophie Classic Mobile Mammography Unit
Price Range: Not provided
* Planmed, part of the Planmeca Group of Helsinki, Finland, manufactures and markets advanced products within the medical field. Planmed has a wide selection of advanced mammography units that provide functional design, ergonomics, high-performance and innovative computerized technology for all mammographic applications.

Radiation Protection
Services Inc.
265 Highland Ave.
Cheshire, CT 06410
(203) 494-2852
(908) 670-3535
Fax: (732) 919-1392
Product/Service Name: Medical Physics Testing to meet MQSA standards
Price Range: Call for quote
Product/Service Name: Medical
Physics Testing for ACR stereotactic mammogram

Price Range: Not provided
* Provides a full range of medical physics consulting services by physicists certified by the American Board of
Radiology, and qualified under MQSA
to do mammmography testing under the FDA program.

Ranfac Corp.
30 Doherty Ave.
Avon, MA 02322
(508) 588-4400
(800) 272-6322
Fax: (508) 584-8588
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Galactography Needles (30 and 31 gauge)
Price: $15
Product Name: Breast Localization

Price: $14.65
* Provides precision instruments for
specialized applications. A commitment to research and development has
enabled the company to establish and sustain a reputation in the industry for quality medical instruments.

Scanis Inc.
1111 Triton Drive, Suite 201
Foster City, CA 94404
(650) 378-4100
Fax: (650) 378-4109
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:
Product Name: MAMMEXTR
Mammography Computer Aided
Diagnosis System

Price: Not provided
* Scanis software is designed to
automatically locate and highlight smaller, more subtle abnormal features that the radiologist may not have initially
observed on the mammogram.

Seiko Instruments USA Inc.
1130 Ringwood Court
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 922-5900
(800) 888-0817
Fax: (408) 922-5835
Product Name: 1720D–DICOM/Adobe Postscript Medical Imager
Price: $16,799
Product Name: 1830–Dual Mode
Postcript/DICOM Large Output Medical Imager

Price: $16,799
* Seiko’s 1720 Medical Imager boasts color/monochrome paper printing, DICOM Print and Adobe Postscript connectivity simultaneously, and a diagnostic-quality, blue-base dry film for lightbox viewing. Interfaces include DICOM, Postscript, Ethernet, Raster and RGB Video. Seiko
Instruments is supported by MR/CT,
ultrasound, X-ray, nuclear medicine, PACS and teleradiology.

Shimadzu Medical Systems
20101 S. Vermont Ave.
Torrance, CA 90502
(310) 217-8855
(800) 228-1429
Fax: (310) 217-8869
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: EchoView Ultrasound
Price: Not provided
Product Name: TrueVision Probes
Price: Not provided
* Shimadzu Ultrasound has expanded the Echoview Series of diagnostic scanners and broad bandwidth TrueVision probes. The newest additions are the SDU-450 Digital System Manager scanner with selectable frequencies to 12 MHz and a new 6-12 MHz 40mm Breast Probe. Biopsy guides are available on all probes.

Siemens Medical Systems Inc.
186 Wood Ave. South
Iselin, NJ 08830
(732) 321-4500
Product Name: MAMMOMAT® 3000-
Opdima Mammography Digital Spot Imaging System

Price Range: Not provided
Product Name: OPDIMA Digital Spot
Imaging And Stereo Biopsy System

Price Range: Not provided
* Siemens Medical Systems Inc. is one of the world’s leading providers of diagnostic imaging systems and advanced electronics systems and products.

Spectrascan Health Services Inc.
200 Day Hill Road
Windsor, CT 06095
(860) 285-0545
(800) 243-4349
Fax: (860) 285-0704
* A supplier of mammography, dexa-
and ultrasound services to physicians looking to expand ancillary services in their offices. The company also provides an ultrasound accreditation assistance program as a division of its quality
assurance department.

P.O. Box 710
927 Lake Road
Medina, Ohio 44258-0710
(330) 723-3271
(800) 428-7833
Fax: (330) 725-0505
Product: Mammography/Biopsy Chairs
Price: Not provided
Product: Video-Fluoroscopic Imaging Chair
Price: Not provided
* Offers patient handling specialty chairs and stretchers to enhance patient comfort while allowing for maximum staff efficiency when used for transport, procedure/
exam and recovery.

Sterling Diagnostic
Imaging Inc.
10 S. Academy St.
Greenville, SC 29602
(864) 421-1700
(800) 252-9099
Fax: (864) 421-1622
Web Site:
Product Name: Microvision Detail and Fast Detail Screens
Price Range: not provided
Product Name: Microvision-Ci and
Microvision-S Films

Price Range: not provided
* Microvision screen-film systems
provide speed and contrast choices
for screening and diagnostic

mammographic applications, reducing
X-ray dosages while improving image quality. All Sterling screen-film systems allow both grid and nongrid imaging;
the films have image latent stability for mobile van use.

7117 Centennial Blvd.
Nashville, TN 37209
(615) 350-7030
(800) 251-2629
Fax: (615) 350-7879
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
* Manufactures a comprehensive line
of imaging and medical accessories,
including carts, cabinets, X-ray markers, copiers, and positioning devices.

Technowipe Inc.
283 Murray Ave.
Larchmont, NY 10538-1604
(914) 833-0278
Fax: (914) 833-1138
E-mail: [email protected]
Product Name: Technowipe®
Lint-Free Wipes

Price Range: $25.50 per bag of 200 wipes
* Technowipe® Lint-Free Wipes are designed to clean mammography/diagnostic screen cassettes, view boxes, darkroom equipment/surfaces, and computer monitors in compliance with MQSA Parts 900.4 and 900.12 by drastically reducing artifacts.

TransScan Medical Inc.
70 Hilltop Road, Suite 2300
Ramsey, NJ 07446
(201) 934-9074
Fax: (201) 825-9351
E-mail: [email protected]
Product Name: TS-2000 Breast Imager
Price Range: $50,000
* The TS-2000 uses “real time” electrical impedance imaging. T-Scan is user-friendly, simple to use, comfortable for patients, and doesn’t use harmful radiation.

Trex Medical Corp.
37 Apple Ridge Road
Danbury, CT 06810
(203) 207-4500
Fax: (203) 207-4501
* Designs, manufactures and markets mammography equipment and minimally invasive digital breast biopsy systems used to detect breast cancer, and manufactures dental digital systems and
general purpose radiology (X-ray) and
imaging systems for diagnostic and
interventional procedures.

United Ad Label
650 Columbia St.
Brea, CA 92822-2216
(714) 990-2700
(800) 423-4643
Fax: (800) 962-0658
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: Mammography Date

Price Range: Not provided
Product Name: Mammography
Position Labels

Price Range: Not provided
* Mammography date labels are printed with a complete date and settings and are highly visible on film, making year-to-year comparisons easy. Mammography position labels are easily seen on a mammogram and are used to mark the angle
and position in which the mammogram
was taken.

United Medical
Technologies Corp.
8192 College Parkway
Ft. Myers, FL 33919
(941) 433-5332
Fax: (941) 433-3919
E-mail: [email protected]
Product Name: Pre-owned/reconditioned mammography systems
Price Range: $19,000 to $45,000 (used)
Product Name: GE, Lorad, Bennett, Siemens
Product Range: not provided
* Offers a wide range of mammography systems, both used and reconditioned.
Also purchases pre-owned systems.
Nationwide service available.

White Mountain Imaging
P.O. Box 216
Salisbury, NH 03268-0216
(603) 648-2124
Fax: (603) 648-2197
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Product Name: T2 Developer
Price Range: Not provided
Product Name: T2 Film Specific
Mammography Developer

Price Range: Not provided
* Offers T2 Developer, a premium
two-part, nonhazardous developer formulated for all single and double emulsion radiographic films and compatible with
all brands of X-ray film. Also offers T2 Film Specific Mammography Developer, a
nonhazardous, noncorrosive developer specifically formulated for optimum results with Kodak, Agfa, Sterling and Fuji mammography films. T2-AG, T2-MR,
T2-MV and T2-UM.

Wolf X-Ray Corp.
420 Hempstead Turnpike
West Hempstead, NY 11552
(516) 485-7012
(800) 356-9729
Fax: (516) 485-7012
E-mail: [email protected]
Product Name: Mammoline Illuminator
Price Range: Under $3,500 list price
* The Wolf Mammoline is a dedicated mammography viewbox that meets and exceeds ACR mandates, with masking shutters for optimum viewing. It produces over 6800 nits with a dimmer to reduce glare and a reflector system to disperse light evenly.

X-Rite Inc.
3100 44th St. SW
Grandville, MI 49418
(616) 534-7663
(800) 248-9748
Fax: (616) 534-8960
Web Site:
Product Name: 331 Portable
Transmission Densitometer

Price Range: Not provided
* X-Rite’s 331 Portable Transmission Densitometer offers the high accuracy of a tabletop transmission densitometer in a portable unit. The device takes measurements of black-and-white film in seconds and features a self-contained light table, null button, and long-lasting Ni-Cad batteries.